Doctor wearing a labcoat and glasses

Hi, I am Kaustubh Dabhadkar.

If you are someone with heart disease, a family member of someone with heart disease, or someone who wants to take control of your health and avoid heart disease, I can help you.

As a practicing cardiologist who takes care of thousands of patients with heart disease every year, I am passionate about the prevention and early diagnosis of heart disease.In my practice, I combine patient education for heart disease prevention and advanced cardiac imaging for early diagnosis of heart disease.

Advanced imaging of the heart may help early detection of heart disease

Unfortunately, plaque build-up is often diagnosed after a heart attack. However, it is possible to diagnose heart disease early using advanced heart imaging techniques. Available imaging techniques are under-utilized due to the cost of these tests and the lack of insurance coverage.

The key to aging well is to start young

Xanthomas, an early form of plaque, can be seen in adolescents. With prolonged exposure to modifiable risk factors, these early forms of plaque can become obstructive, limiting adequate blood supply to the heart. If this plaque ruptures before it organizes, there could be a sudden lack of blood supply to a part of the heart resulting in a heart attack.

As seen in the iceberg model below, a heart attack is the tip of the iceberg. We can modify the underlying risk factors to reduce the risk of heart disease. Most of these need minor adjustments in lifestyle and diet. However, many of us are confused about the diet or exercise regimen that will reduce the risk of heart disease. We can minimize this confusion by understanding heart diseases, identifying risk factors that increase our risk of heart disease, and working towards minimizing these risk factors.

About 80 % of heart diseases and strokes are preventable. Minor lifestyle changes today can have a massive impact on the future!

Download the FREE 'Recognize Your Heart Disease Risk' Guide


Medical SchoolGrant Medical College, Mumbai, India
MPH in EpidemiologyEmory University, Atlanta, GA
Internal MedicineEmory University, Atlanta, GA
Cardiovascular DiseasesBrown University, Providence, RI


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